Tax Preparer® Tour
But it's not just about forms!
Tax Preparer is backed by hidden, automatically-completed and
automatically-calculated IRS worksheets for
- Exemption limitations
- Itemizing limitations
- Elderly blind deductions
- Child`s unearned income
- Passive loss limitations
- Excess social security tax
- Social security benefits
- Dependent filer deductions
- Office-in-home deductions
- IRA deductions
- Student loan interest
- Tuition and fees deduction
- Self-employed insurance
- Capital gains tax
- Capital loss carryover
- Unrecaptured section 1250 gain
- Qualified 5-year gain
- Minimum tax liability
- Child tax credit
- Earned income credit
- Contribution credits
- Excess contributions
- Maximum Roth IRA contributions
- Roth IRA basis
- Child investment income
reflecting many of the subtleties found only in IRS publications,
not just the IRS instructions for the forms.
Many other features set Tax Preparer apart.
- Unlimited number of rentals
- Unlimited number of stocks and bonds
- Unlimited itemizing
- Built-in depreciation management
- Complete client file management
- Mailing labels and mailing lists
- Year-to-year data transfer
- Built-in Road Map
- Direct access to any form
- Four data entry methods, from fully interactive to high-speed batch
- Pro·forma input sheets
- Minimal disk space usage
- Windows-compatible
- Network-compatible
- IRS-approved printouts with most printers
- Built-in four-function calculator
- Customizable billing letters
- Quick-copy printouts
- Quick-Save and Quick-Exit Keys
- Customizable colors
- Multi-year tax planning
- Manual override
- Help Key
- Optional paper manuals with high-quality stitched leather-like
loose-leaf binder
- Windows compatible (for Windows versions as far back as Windows 95),
with limited MS-DOS and Windows 3.1 versions available on special
- Windows-graphic printing for Windows-compatible printers,
plus laser-graphic printing for HP-type DOS-compatible laser printers
- Free person-to-person technical and tax-related support
...with more features added every year since 1979.
Pricing is next, including an Internet Special.