SURVEY: Manuals … on-screen or paper?

An on-screen version of our annual Tax Forms Guide was available this year in for the first time (on CD-ROM), and we'd like to know how you liked it. Please complete the on-line survey below.  Alternatively you may mail (P.O. Box 8432, La Jolla, CA 92038) or fax (1-800-24-TAXES) a copy to us.

Did you use the on-screen manual that was included on our CD-ROM this year? Yes No
If so, did you need the Microsoft Word Viewer included on the CD-ROM to view it? Yes No
Did you use the "find" feature of Microsoft Word to find topics in the manual? Yes No
Would you prefer an Adobe Acrobat Reader version of the manual instead? Yes No
If you had to choose between paper or on-screen, which would you choose? Paper On-screen
Did you use the paper manual? Exclusively In addition to on-screen Not at all
If so, why did you use it instead of the on-screen version? (Answer all that apply)
I prefer a paper manual I use only DOS on my computer
I don't have a CD-ROM drive I use only Windows 3.1 on my computer
Other. Explain:
If you had any problems or comments not covered above, please use this space to tell us.

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